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So what does success look like to you?
There is something about this question that makes my toes curl. It may be because I imagine a sleek and prosperously corporate man in a...

Just do it!
he difference between being a writer and being a wannabe is unambiguous. Those people who are writers, write - wannabes don't or don't...

Teach us to care and not to care Part 2
There is something about creative activities that makes us vulnerable. We become children again proudly showing off our work to our...

Teach us to care and not to care.
So, I've talked about why I think creative writing can be taught, why it helps to be honest about your motives for doing it and how to...

Three tips for better writing.
With all that is going on in the world, it is still exam season so today's post will look at three key tips for academic/critical writing...

Tricks of the Trade
This one is going to be short. There are no tricks of the trade. I wish there were. However, here are some useful things that might...

The Four Stages of Graft
There's a lot of psychology involved in writing. Like so much else, it's a confidence game, maybe even a confidence trick. You write...

Changing your point of view.
She began the book with her characteristic rush of early enthusiasm, which as usual barely lasted beyond the second chapter. She wrote at...

Listening to the voices
I've already blogged about the voices you shouldn't listen to, the ones that tell you your book is rubbish, that you should give it up,...

Who do you think they are?
It is very tricky to talk about characterisation, at least I struggle with it, because, for me, character emerges along with the story,...
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